/BCO-DMO/NeMO2015/thermophile_growth --species eq M._thermolithotrophicus-- Level 1

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#   NH4Cl and growth, yield, production of thermophyles
#   J. Holden (UMass)
#   version: 2016-11-08
#     From Suppl. Matl. Table 3. Topcuoglu et al, 2016, Front. Microbiol. (doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.01240)
NH4Cl    growth_rate  growth_rate_err  yield  yield_err  CH4_prod_rate  CH4_prod_rate_err  
47 uM    0.75         0.28             4.61   2.1        0.23           0.14               
235 uM   0.73         0.18             5.57   2.66       0.19           0.1                
2.4 mM   0.64         0.14             1.51   0.43       0.61           0.22               
4.7 mM   0.99         0.27             8.79   1.51       0.16           0.05               
7.0 mM   0.97         0.24             5.03   2.16       0.28           0.14               
9.4 mM   0.78         0.13             3.57   0.36       0.32           0.06